At A-1 Affordable Bail Bonds, we’re really getting into the holiday spirit. Our last blog was about what we were thankful for this Thanksgiving and with exactly three weeks until Christmas Day, we are really looking forward to more time with family and friends. There’s nothing quite like seeing the smile that lights up a loved one’s face when he or she unwraps the gift you’ve put so much thought into. Perhaps you just got your first table saw and you made your spouse a bookshelf. Maybe you have been picking up the hints that your brother-in-law wants a new fishing pole and you spent time finding the perfect one.

The point is that giving gifts during the holiday season is part of what makes it so special. That’s why in today’s post we’d like to share a few of the things you can give us! Of course we don’t want you to feel obligated to do anything whatsoever because we’re happy to provide the services we do. If you’re feeling rather generous, however, here are a few things we’d love to get.

Bring Us Some Cookies

Every family seems to have that one go-to cookie recipe that just knocks everyone’s socks off. For some families it’s a recipe for chocolate chip cookies that has been passed down for generations. For others their recipe for the perfect sugar cookie was created with hard work and plenty of trial and error. Either way, if you have some cookies that just so happen to be lying around, we’d love to have a little taste test!

Give Us a Call and Let Us Know How You’re Doing

One of the best things you can do for us would be to simply give us a call and let us know how things are going with you. There’s absolutely nothing we love more than talking to the people we encounter and seeing what they’ve been up to. At A-1 Affordable Bail Bonds, we love the state of Louisiana and all of its residents. If you’ve worked with us in the past, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and let us know how you’re doing!

Tell Your Friends About Us

Now we hope that none of your loved ones will ever need to be bailed out of jail, but if they find themselves in the middle of a tough situation, we would be honored if you’d let them know where they can get help. We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service and our standard of excellence is a job well done and a satisfied customer. If your friend or family member finds that they are in a situation similar to one you’ve been in, please feel free to let them know they’ll get the best service around at A-1 Affordable Bail Bonds.

Of course you don’t have to do any of these things; we’re thankful for you no matter what. From our family to yours, we’d like to wish you a safe and happy holiday season!